In previous episode we watched that Jewish priests made a plan to defeat Jesus a.s, (there are many proves that they planned all drama to trap Jesus a.s) according to John 7:53-8:11, A lady was caught by Jewish adultery, in past they lost all chances to destroy Jesus a.s, now they found another chance, a woman was terrified because she was blamed to commit adultery , stones were in hands of Jews, then in this game Jews sought to destroy Jesus a.s, if Jesus said, stone her then he will fulfill Law of Moses or break Roman Law because there was no punishment of death in Roman law except someone condemned by the Romans themselves!, But Jesus looked up and said let throw first stone by the person among you who is without sin in his life, Jesus , again, bends down and start doodling in dust giving time to them to scan their life and record on sins. All gone and then he asked the lady where they are ? Now!, She replied , No One , Sir! And Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again.".... Next you will watch a died child arise up, When Jesus went to village of Nain ( located in the Jezreel plain, six miles southwest of Nazareth) where Jesus a.s saw a fresh grave where a died boy was going to be buried who was only one son of a widow lady. When people saw Jesus a.s there they demanded to give life the died child again.... Prophet Jesus a.s was given divine power over death so he prayed Almighty Allah to give life to the dead boy. he rose from the dead only to die again. Allah promises that we will be resurrected, and rise from the dead never to die again. When this miracle was become famous in Jerusalem then Jews and Romans started to say Jesus as Son of God, or God to defeat Jesus a.s. Keep Watching this Islamic Historical TV serial in Urdu exploring life of Prophet Jesus a.s.
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