Now 7th Episode of Besharat E Monji (Prophet Jesus a.s) is available in Urdu , in start of this episode you will watch scenes of Jesus educating his apostles, Jesus a.s told them to think about Allah and forget this world, be obedient of your parents, then Jesus a.s told Barnabas one apostle of twelve apostles will leave Jesus and will be traitor, that person, soon, will reveal his lewdness to all. Prophet Jesus a.s also told to Barnabas that few persons will start to say Jesus is son of God, and when I will go then a Prophet will come who will remove all doubts about me. Barnabas also asked about that Prophet (PBUH) and when he (PBUH) will come, then Prophet Jesus a.s predicted when only 30 apostles and pious people will remain on this Earth, that Prophet PBUH will come. In this episode Barnabas will propose Judas son of James (also called Thaddaeus) to get marry with Mary Magdalen who traveled with Jesus a.s as his true follower. Apostles also asked about confusion between names of Ismael a.s and Isaac a.s, they asked we recited in Torah of Moses a.s that Allah promised with Ibrahim a.s about is son Isaac a.s, not Ismail a.s. Jesus a.s replied these verses in Torah is not from Allah or Prophet Moses a.s, Jews changed name of Ismael a.s with Isaac a.s, because Allah promised with Ibrahim about his elder son and Ismael was his elder son, and when Isaac a.s was born then Ismael was in 7th year of his life. Prophet Jesus a.s also told more his apostles about Last Prophet PBUH. When Jesus a.s was preaching in temple then Jews blamed that Jesus a.s allowed forbidden foods and things while those were forbidden in religion of Moses a.s, Jesus a.s explained what is forbidden and what is Halal for humans. Jews also blamed Jesus was a wizards and Sahair, Jesus a.s replied he is only Prophet from Allah for Israelis and will not stay more with them. When Jesus a.s was leaving temple a blind man requested him to heal him up, Jewish thought any sickness or suffering was due to sins, in short Jesus heals a blind man. When Jews saw all this they also make a new plan to prove Jesus a.s a false Prophet. You may watch this new trick by Jews in next episode of Besharat E Monji (Prophet Issa a.s)
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