With the words of Angel, Jesus a.s went to mount Sinai, during while, in cities, Roman and Jews priests started to say Jesus as God, or Son of God, there was another group politically called Zealots working against Romans also opposing Prophet Jesus a.s and when common people to say Jesus as Son of God, Zealots started to kill common people of cities by attacking with knifes, Roman General Pilate was also became worried as he was appointed by Roman senate in Jerusalem to control that territory and also was assigned to punish Jews if they did wrong. He called his subordinates to get information as soon as after getting information of these riots he also called King Herod and Senior Priests(Joseph Caiaphas) (It is said that Joseph Caiaphas was the person who plan to kill Jesus a.s) of Temple in his office. Where they all (Specially Priests force Roman Govt to Arrest Jesus a.s) decided to arrest Jesus a.s. So when Jesus was back from Sinai mount and reached to river of Jordan to go to Jerusalem, Jesus a.s was seen by a person , he shouted , our god has come , o people let welcome our god. People of cities Roman General Pilate, senior priest Joseph Caiaphas also went to Jesus but when Roman General and King Herod heard words of Jesus a.s, they could not arrest him.Then went out from the city every one, small and great, to see Jesus,
insomuch that the city was left empty, for the women bare their children
in their arms, and insomuch that they forget to take food to eat. People began to do him reverence, as unto God. When Jesus a.s saw all this this he gave a great groan and said: `Get ye from before me, O madmen, for I fear lest the earth should open and devour me with you for your abominable words!' People become filled with terror and started to weep.Roman General also agreed to send a proposal to Roman senate for approval of law about not to say, call, write, preach Jesus as God or Son of God. After a while people cry for food, there was nothing to eat, they asked Jesus a.s and informed only 5 loaves and 2 fish , Jesus a.s ordered to bring two fish and five loaves to him, Jesus a.s said to people to sit down on grass and Jesus started to brake loaves and gave fish and broken loaves to his disciples who handed them to the crowd. Every body ate and was satisfied now. Watch Sacred life of Prophet Jesus a.s how he struggled for people of Israel to save them all.
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