The first Capital of Fars, some 2500 years ago, was Pasargad. It was also the capital of Achaemenid King Cyrus the Great. The ceremonial capital of his successor, Darius I (or Darius the Great), and his son Xerxes, was Persepolis. Today, only the ruins of these two capitals remain. Stakhr was another capital of Fars. It was established by the Sassanids and lasted until Shiraz finally assumed the role of the regional capital.About 50 km. Northwest of Shiraz, at the foot of the rahmat Mountains, one encounters the vast platform and remains of Persepolis, the grand ceremonial Capital built by Darius I (Darius the Great) and his successors some 2500 years ago. Archeologists are still combing through the debris and ashes that have covered Persepolis since Alexander the Great destroyed it in 330 BC. Most of the structures have already been revealed. Pasargad is located about 77 km away from Persepolis. It was built by Cyrus the Great. Among the interesting sites at Pasargad is a stone platform 80 m. long and 18 m. wide. It is believed to have been the foundation of a palace. Close by are the ruins of a building called the Prison of Solomon which was probably a fire temple.
شیراز شہر کے شمال مشرق میں 50 کلومیٹر سے زائد فاصلے پر ہخامنشی دور کی تعمیر شدہ قدیم عمارات کے کھنڈرات کا مجموعہ واقع ہے۔ ان میں سے ایک عمارت کو 120 سال میں تعمیر کیاگیاتھا۔ تخت جمشید دو سو سال تک ہخامنشیوں کا تخت حکومت رہا۔ سکندراعظم یونانی نے اس شہر کو تاراج کیا اور تباہ کردیا۔ یہاں کھنڈرات سے ہخامنشی دور کے جاہ و جلال کا اندازہ کیاجاسکتاہے۔
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