Watch fifth Episode of Islamic Historical TV Serial exploring life of Prophet Issa a.s in Urdu, in this episode you will get information about Prophet John (Yahya) a.s, having unique practice unique practice of baptism, since John announces Jesus' coming. John is also identified with the prophet Elijah. The Qur'an say "O Yaḥya! take hold of the Book with might": and We gave him Wisdom even as a youth,,,, According to the Qur'an, John was one on whom God sent peace on the day that he was born and the day that he died. But Jews and Kingdom was opposing Yahya a.s, so once wife of King sent a dancer to chamber of king and when king became agreed with dancer , so he asked about her reward, she demanded the Martyrdom of Prophet John a.s, so Prophet John (Yahya) a.s was arrested and was martyred, John a.s, was last Prophet in Israel who was martyrdom by Jews and he informed Jews , I am last who was going to be killed by Jews but now you will be unable to martyrdom any Prophet in Israel, Prophet John a.s also revealed that a Last Prophet who is the Prophet of Peace for all mankind Muhammad will come. John a.s was killed by Jews and then Prophet Jesus (Issa or Essa a.s) started his preachings of Islam to save people from hell fire. There was two apostles with same name with Jesus a.s, Jude (Judas) one was known as Jude of James and other was known as Judas Iscariot was an agent and agent of Zealots and Romans.
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