History is branch of Geography you may also call it History is due to Geographical changes on Earth which takes place due to changing in trends of human beings , these changing may be in their lifestyle, faiths, customs, etc. This episode deals with History and Geography, specially history and geography of Kashgar, this is also called Kashi is a city of Sinkiang , Sinkiang's population is about 20000000 , and most are Muslims , near about 400000 are living in Kasshghar (Kashi) , this city is Cultural Center of Sinkiang, Sadi Sherazi also says in his book he visited Kashi (Kashghar), Turpan or تورفان is another city of Xinjiang , where you will meet with Abdul Kareem bin Niaz who is the chair man of Islamic Society of Turfan or Tulufan or Turpan, you can also visit the Book City of Kashghar , Camera man will also go to Mosque Qazi Khan in Kashghar where Abdul Kareem bin Niaz will teach the knowledge of Holy Koran, We can say only History and Geography, Customs and Society , Traditions and Faiths help you to visit on Earth without losing yourself, Story will continue ................................ keep watching this amazing story of China ..............
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