In 1953 a Molecular Biologist, Physicist and Neuroscientist, named Dr. Francis Crick, Ph.D., discovered the structure of the DNA molecule. Modern Science then labeled the three-dimensional human DNA chain as the ‘double-helix’.

Each cell in our bodies contains forty-six chromosomes, which carry the genetic information that it needs in order for it to develop. These chromosomes are filled with tightly-coiled strands of DNA that, if placed end to end, would reach the Moon and back about 100,000 times.
But, in its arrogance, science has also labeled as ‘junk’ the portions of DNA for which it cannot identify a function.
In 1990, a group of Russian physicists, molecular biologists, biophysicists, geneticists, embryologists and linguists began a study of DNA. The research project was directed by Dr. Peter Gariaev, Ph.D, a Biophysicist and Molecular Biologist who is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences in New York.
During their eight year study, the researchers discovered that our DNA is also a complex, biological, micro-computer chip. That micro-chip communicates with its environment. Dr. Gariaev found that the basic structure of DNA alkaline pairs is the same as that of human language. So it can be influenced and reprogrammed solely by the thought waves in our environment.
When we Think, we set into motion vibrations of a very high degree, but just as real as the vibrations of light, heat, sound, electricity. William W. Atkinson

Each cell in our bodies contains forty-six chromosomes, which carry the genetic information that it needs in order for it to develop. These chromosomes are filled with tightly-coiled strands of DNA that, if placed end to end, would reach the Moon and back about 100,000 times.
But, in its arrogance, science has also labeled as ‘junk’ the portions of DNA for which it cannot identify a function.
In 1990, a group of Russian physicists, molecular biologists, biophysicists, geneticists, embryologists and linguists began a study of DNA. The research project was directed by Dr. Peter Gariaev, Ph.D, a Biophysicist and Molecular Biologist who is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences in New York.
During their eight year study, the researchers discovered that our DNA is also a complex, biological, micro-computer chip. That micro-chip communicates with its environment. Dr. Gariaev found that the basic structure of DNA alkaline pairs is the same as that of human language. So it can be influenced and reprogrammed solely by the thought waves in our environment.
When we Think, we set into motion vibrations of a very high degree, but just as real as the vibrations of light, heat, sound, electricity. William W. Atkinson
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