Mokhtar when came back from Makkah, waited for many days, it seems he was looking at Suleman son of Surd,,, Mokhtar did not like him, he said he is only man of meat and bones without mind, he wants only shahdat ,, but I hope, I will establish Ahl E Bait,,,, at lat Suleman bin Surd martyred in war with UmayyadMokhtar now was only for leading Shiites (Shi'ites) in Kufa ,, all Shiites came to Mokhtar , and Ibrahim son of Ashtar also came with Mokhtar,,,(It is told how he joined Mokhtar).
In Last Episode all Shia tribes and Ibrahim son of Malik Ashtar who was waiting for the order of Imam Sajjad A.S about Jihad ,,, so he also made promiomise with Mokhtar to strugle for Vengeance ,, troops of Mujahadeen come to Mokhtar's house in Kufa and start to Practice for Jihad against Umayyad Caliphate and Killers of Imam Hussain A.S. Mokhtar called Ibrahin son of Ashtar when he was coming to Mokhtar,, on the way,, (Sons of Zobayer were controlling Kufa, they blocked all roads and streets and baned any movements in streets of Kufians). Ibrahimm was spoted by Ayas bin Mazarib ,, he stopped Ibrahim but Ibrahim killed him and gave his head to Mokhtar,, Mokhtar announced to attack on same night while it was announced before to attack in next nights,, but due to killing of Ayas bin Muzarib ,, Mokhtar start Jihad on same night and they En kindled fire on roofs of Kufa. Mokhtar advised to Ibrahim not to start attack from them,and Mokhtar ,, addressed his army and advised them to take care of priciples of Islamic war (Jihad).
It is Episode 22 they named it The Uprising of Mokhtar part 1
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