Watch 13 Episode of Orient Wall and Sun in Urdu, this episode has title " Do You Have Skyscraper in Your Country?" in this part traveler will tell you about the cultural attitude of Chinese, he will tell you about
constructions of buildings and homes in China, its common to know that construction is not a duty of single person, always groups or many people of a society get succeeded to construct a high building because its not like wood cutting , construction is specific activity according to geography , purpose, history, social life and culture of nations of territory, big and high buildings are resource of expression of design and power of any country, traveler will guide you Municipality of Shanghai and Museum,you will also see the Shanghai city, and where you can view Chinese culture, what is culture? Culture is a habit, custom, purpose, thinking and fasion which take place in any place according to its geographical location and which also transferred to next generation. There is a culture to construct wooden buildings, these wooden buildings were made by Chinese without any nail with small wooden pieces. Shanghai is biggest city in the world and now after Beijing city, Shanghai is 2nd number of biggest in China as economics and finance of whole world also revolves around that city.
constructions of buildings and homes in China, its common to know that construction is not a duty of single person, always groups or many people of a society get succeeded to construct a high building because its not like wood cutting , construction is specific activity according to geography , purpose, history, social life and culture of nations of territory, big and high buildings are resource of expression of design and power of any country, traveler will guide you Municipality of Shanghai and Museum,you will also see the Shanghai city, and where you can view Chinese culture, what is culture? Culture is a habit, custom, purpose, thinking and fasion which take place in any place according to its geographical location and which also transferred to next generation. There is a culture to construct wooden buildings, these wooden buildings were made by Chinese without any nail with small wooden pieces. Shanghai is biggest city in the world and now after Beijing city, Shanghai is 2nd number of biggest in China as economics and finance of whole world also revolves around that city.
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